The doctor forgives tecteun

Having arrived in the year 914 in Greece and Italy Peter Quill had questions for Joey and she quickly answered them. They chatted about who they are and then got to work getting the doctor's attention and leaving a message he could not ignore. The Doctor after a tour of the new universe he is now in with his tardis for years of exploring and saving people and found out everything from his missing memories with Tecteun and the Division angry and sad he went off to Amecrey to cool down and Tecteun was there and the doctor sensing her asked " why was the flux planned? Did you want to get rid of me because of my work?" Tecteun sympathetically felt this and did her best to explain the doctor listened and Tecteun said " I think to better understand we should connect so you can get my perspective" The doctor asked "No holding back?" Tecteun replied "No holding back." and they connected telepathically and she kept her promise and then afterward the doctor hugged his adopted sort of biological mother and then he went off to find Joey Sword in his tardis starting for any signs of any messages she might have left.




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