The Doctor, Joey, and Peter

Peter Quill and Joey sitting on the beach and waiting for the doctor and Peter asked Joey "Are you sure this will get his attention?" Joey replied while he was looking away from her as she was seeing the tardis appear and making that familiar materialization sound "Yes, I'm sure." Peter heard a familiar noise thinking out loud he said jokingly "I didn't know they had leaf blowers in ancient Greece oh, wait it's a box."  the Tardis landed and the doctor stepped out and saw Joey Sword and Peter Quill and introduced himself " Hello, I'm the doctor and it is amazing to meet you two, hi Joey Sword amazing to see you again" he said after having gone back in time to meet her the first time and she smiled. The doctor told her " I got your message, cone on Quill into my tardis". He did so and they took off in the time vortex to get the full picture of what the ravagers are up to.




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