After the deal

Tecteun, after the deal was done took a look at her new appearance seeing long dark brown hair, dark hazel eyes, and three inches and a half taller, feeling accomplished she said " I'm glad to be in this universe with my kid the doctor and that I have a good surprise for him and a great one at that" pondering what's next out loud "will he accept my apologies? Can he forgive me?" finishing the out loud thought she says " I hope so." then she got contacted by the TVA who put division in that universe as one of the sects of the organization. She answered " Tecteun, here" The TVA responded, "Hey, the Ravagers army is building fast you'd better get the Doctor to Peter Quill now!" Tecteun released Joey Sword into the multiverse and Joey Sword went to Earth in that universe with all of the four people whose DNA  she's made from she has some of Rose Tyler's, Clara Oswald's, and Yasmin Khan's personalities and all of River Song's personality with features of all combined into one and all of River Song's powers. 




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